Category: Uncategorized

Towards Health Futures: Widening the divide through digital health innovation?​
Widening the divide through digital health innovation? A Towards Health Futures PDW at AoM

Our AoM professional development workshop session engages attendees to debate and get feedback on their research related to the role of digital technologies for producing healthcare that ensures “healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” (SDG 3, UN). In particular, the PDW is aimed at examining accessibility to digital innovation in healthcare, i.e., access to the digital innovation process and access to digital innovation as health services. […]

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Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Deep Tech (Minitrack@AMCIS2022)

We are happy to host this years minitrack on “Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Deep Tech” at at American Conference on Information Systems in Minneapolis. Professors Janina Sundermeier (FUB) and Hannes Rothe (ICN) join forces with Laia Pujol Priego (IESE) and invite scholars to to submit their best work until March 1, 2022.

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Our K.I.E.Z – creating fertile soil for AI Ventures ​

We are a excited to take part in Berlin’s new K.I.E.Z. – “Künstliche Intelligenz Entrepreneurship Zentrum”. This initiative is dedicated to incubating and accelerating AI ventures. We provide entrepreneurs in AI with scientific expertise, access to capital, industry partners and hiring talent. As project lead for Freie Universität Berlin, at DEH sets its full focus on helping AI ventures grow in order to make Berlin a leading ecosystem for innovations with Artificial Intelligence.

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Protected: Towards health futures 2019: Agenda and Guidelines

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Introducing Zhejiang University to Digital Entrepreneurship@FUB

Representing the Digital Entrepreneurship Hub, professor Rothe was happy to introduce a delegation from the University of Zhejiang to entrepreneurship at Freie Universität Berlin.

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Towards health futures: Digital Innovation, Infrastructure, and Entrepreneurship on bio data (March 2019)

We invite information systems researchers to this two-day spring workshop in Berlin. Together, we seek to understand the “destabilizing” character of the conjunction between “the byte” and “the gene” – between digitization and biology. We do this through the lenses of digital infrastructure, innovation, and digital entrepreneurship.

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WoMenventures Summer School – Erfolgreicher Auftakt der neuen Veranstaltungsreihe „Entrepreneurial Diversity“

Mit einem Fellowship des Stifterverbandes hat Dr. Janina Sundermeier in diesem Semester erstmalig die Veranstaltungsreihe „Entrepreneurial Diversity“ realisiert. I

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Funpreneur Wettbewerb erfolgreich abgeschlossen

Der #Funpreneur Gründerwettbewerb 2018 ist erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen und es gilt #danke zu sagen! Zuallererst an alle Studierenden, die in diesem Sommersemester tolle Arbeit geleistet haben und großartige Ideen umsetzen konnten. Es war eine Freude allen 19 Teams zuzusehen und zu unterstützen!

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DEH zu Gast bei der Deutschen Bahn

Digitale Entrepreneure zeichnen sich durch hohe #digitalliteracy und ein #entrepreneurialMindset aus. Auf dem #berlinconnect Event diskutierten die Professoren Rothe ( Digital Entrepreneurship Hub) und Fuerstenau (Einstein Center Digital Future…

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Eröffnung des Digital Entrepreneurship Hubs

Seit dem 9. Juni 2018 koordiniert der Digital Entrepreneurship Hub offiziell die Entrepreneurship Education und bündelt die Entrepreneurship Research an der Freie Universität Berlin.

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