BMBF Funds Transfer Center “Robots in Everyday Life (RimA)
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has now approved funding of 2.25 million euros for the project Transfer Center Robots in Everyday Life (RimA). Business Informatics and the Digital Entrepreneurship Hub (DEH) of Freie Universität Berlin will work on the subproject Business Models for Assistive Robotics until May 2025.
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Freie Universität Berlin Investigates Biotech Location Berlin-Brandenburg – The Laboratory as Incubator for Start-ups in the Capital Region
In recent years, Berlin has developed into one of the startup strongholds in Europe. At the same time, the capital region is a leading location in the life sciences, healthcare industry and healthcare provision. A team led by economist Professor Dr. Hannes Rothe has been commissioned by the Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Operations to analyze what other reasons there are for the low startup momentum in the biotech sector and how Berlin can catch up with leading regions such as Cambridge/Oxford in the UK.
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“Accumulating Design Knowledge” published in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS)
Design science research is a fundamental paradigm for the information systems discipline. While numerous studies developed design knowledge in the last decades, it is oftentimes questioned whether and how design knowledge relates to theory, whether design knowledge is revisited, and how it accumulates.
Published in the flagship Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), the publication Accumulating Design Knowledge: A Mechanisms-Based Approach provides first empirically-grounded replies. The study by Hannes Rothe (Freie Universität Berlin), Lauri Wessel (University of Bremen), and Ana Paula Barquet (Technical University Berlin) is the first to theorize the process of knowledge accumulation in design science research.
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Effects of hubris rethought. Study “Hubristic Startup Founders” published in the Journal of Management Studies
Professors Sundermeier, Gersch and Freiling open up new perspectives in research on hubris.
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Professor Sundermeier becomes professoral member of the DEH
Since September 1, 2019, the Department of Information Systems has been supported by Prof. Dr. Janina Sundermeier in her role as Junior Professor for Business Administration, in particular Digital Entrepreneurship & Diversity. Professor Sundermeier is now a professorial member of the Digital Entrepreneurship Hub.
We are very much looking forward to continuing her initiatives to promote entrepreneurial diversity in the context of digitization, as she has already done with formats such as WomenVentures and Hello Diversity! Conference.
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Towards Health Futures Conference: Reaching for convergence on bio data
On March 7th and 8th, 2019, the first “Towards Health Futures” conference about innovation, entrepreneurship, and infrastructure on bio data has been held in Berlin. Sirkka Jarvenpaa (University of Texas at Austin), Michael Barrett (University of Cambridge), and Hannes Rothe (Freie Universität Berlin) invited 35 experts to Berlin to set the first stepping stone for an international community seeking that reflects the phenomenon of bio data.
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Team re.adjustme receives EXIST start-up grant
The re.adjustme team will revolutionize the treatment of back pain with a smart T-shirt.
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Introducing Zhejiang University to Digital Entrepreneurship@FUB
Representing the Digital Entrepreneurship Hub, professor Rothe was happy to introduce a delegation from the University of Zhejiang to entrepreneurship at Freie Universität Berlin.
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WoMenventures Summer School – Erfolgreicher Auftakt der neuen Veranstaltungsreihe „Entrepreneurial Diversity“
Mit einem Fellowship des Stifterverbandes hat Dr. Janina Sundermeier in diesem Semester erstmalig die Veranstaltungsreihe „Entrepreneurial Diversity“ realisiert. I
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Funpreneur Wettbewerb erfolgreich abgeschlossen
Der #Funpreneur Gründerwettbewerb 2018 ist erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen und es gilt #danke zu sagen! Zuallererst an alle Studierenden, die in diesem Sommersemester tolle Arbeit geleistet haben und großartige Ideen umsetzen konnten. Es war eine Freude allen 19 Teams zuzusehen und zu unterstützen!
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