Marketing & Financing for BioChem-Entrepreneurs​

Inspiring Exchange at the Freie Universität Berlin!


Last wednesday Conny Steenblock and Cintia Cristina Silva de Araújo were guests at Prof. Dr. Michael Schirner’s Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry at FU Berlin. They delivered a captivating guest lecture on

“Marketing and Financing for Entrepreneurs.”

Professor Schirner, who teaches a course on “Managing Entrepreneurial Projects,” extended an invitation to Conny Steenblock and Cintia Christina Silva de Arajuo to share their extensive expertise in entrepreneurship.

The lively exchange provided valuable insights into the challenges and successes encountered on the journey of marketing and financing entrepreneurial projects.

A heartfelt thank you to Prof. Dr. Michael Schirner and the entire team for the invitation and the opportunity to share our knowledge.